MESIT in London

27. 9. 2017

The DSEI exhibition is a major European exhibition focused on defense and security technology and therefore a great opportunity for the presentation of tactical communication systems by MESIT.

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MESIT at the exhibition in Vietnam

4. 9. 2017

On 29-30 August 2017, Vietnam, MESIT companies took part already in the second year of the Fair of Defense and Security Technologies - Homeland and Security Expo Vietnam. MESIT presented its possibilities of cooperation mainly in the field of military aviation and tactical communication.

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MESIT at MAKS aviation fair

10. 8. 2017

International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS took place on July 18-23, 2017 in Zhukovsky, near Moscow. Czech airline producers participated in this event with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic in a separate national exposition. MESIT aerospace and MESIT aerotrade were also taking part in MAKS.

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Znovu na výstavě Czech Raildays 2017

19. 6. 2017

V Ostravě se v termínu od 13. do 15. 6. 2017 konal Mezinárodní veletrh drážní techniky, výrobků a služeb pro potřeby železniční a městské kolejové dopravy. Této výstavy se účastníme pravidelně od roku 2001. Také letos jsme přijeli setkat se s našimi stálými zákazníky i navázat nové obchodní kontakty.

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MESIT on IDET 2017 exhibition

7. 6. 2017

International Defence and Security Technologies Fair IDET, is one of the biggest shows of defence technology in Central and Eastern Europe with high international participation of exhibitors, state delegations and professional visitors. That's why MESIT wasn't missing again this year.

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24. 5. 2017

On May 18-21, 2017 we participated in the exhibition SITDEF in Peru. This exhibition focuses on technology in defense and prevention of natural disasters. We had the opportunity to present ourselves directly on the ground of the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense of Peru.

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Hledáme nové talenty!

18. 5. 2017

Pokud studuješ VŠ technického směru, baví Tě technika a hodláš se v budoucnu aktivně věnovat vývojařině, rádi Tě u nás přivítáme. Pojď si promluvit s našimi vývojovými pracovníky. Rádi uslyšíme co Tě baví, co Tě zajímá a jak si představuješ svou budoucí kariéru. Hledáme nové spolupracovníky pro naše dlouhodobé zahraniční projekty. Studovat techniku má smysl a u nás to skutečně poznáš. Podívej se k nám a dál už je to pouze na Tobě…

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Innovative Company of the Zlín Region

9. 6. 2016

MESIT aerospace attended the Innovative Company of the Zlín Region competition and received a certificate of merit. The ceremony to announce the winners of the competition which aims to acknowledge the companies based in our region that are able to significantly develop their business thanks to innovations was held on the 8th of June 2016.

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IDEB 2016

28. 4. 2016

We attended the IDET 2016 exhibition

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DSA 2016

22. 4. 2016

We attended the DSA exhibition this year. MESIT aerospace introduced its products in the Military Communication systems field, the Digital Intercom, the Radio Monitor and most importantly the new range of Headsets series M10 and M10A.

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